A regular member of TENNELA is any member licensed to practice in the State of Tennessee who certifies that 75% or more of his or her employment-related legal representation is on behalf of employees. Regular members in good standing are eligible to vote and serve as officers or members of TENNELA’s Board of Directors, have access to its member listserv, and may deduct $25.00 from their annual membership dues for the National Employment Lawyers Association.
An associate member is a paraprofessional or legal assistant to any regular TENNELA member who subscribes to the purposes of TENNELA. Associate members are not eligible to vote, hold office or serve on the Board of Directors, but do have access to the member listserv and certain other confidential communications of TENNELA.
I certify that I meet the eligibility requirements for membership stated above. I also certify that should I discontinue my membership, I will immediately advise TENNELA of my intent to do so and that I will not disclose or disseminate TENNELA listserv or other confidential or privileged information of the organization to others. (checking this box is equivalent to your signature).
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